
Together we'll explore how our emotions are real energy waves that are more powerful than you think. And you are too! When you learn how to tap the power of your emotions, you can attract the things you want in life. It’s not just positive thinking … it’s science. And I will show you how.

You can check out our latest episode and all of the previous episodes that we have released. If you’re already a podcast listener, just head over to Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and TuneIn Radio to subscribe and download all of our episodes. And if you’re new to podcasts or don’t have an app, just click HERE to listen in.

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Podcast Episode #22:

The Surprising Science That Will Help You Find Love

(36 Minutes)

Sometimes chasing what we desire doesn't actually propel us toward it. (It can even repel us.) This is especially true when it comes to love, because pursuing and getting close to the love we want often triggers old emotional patterns that block us from getting it. 

That’s why in this episode we’re nerding out about pheromones (and other science-based ways your emotions attract or repel love in new and existing relationships) AND I’m sharing my 4-step practice you can use to genuinely shift those emotions – no matter how challenging things are – and call big, meaningful love into your life. 

  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #22

    • THE #1 KEY to attracting more love in your life – and it works for existing relationships, new romantic love AND love between friends. (:47)

    • Good news: It’s not you having to be perfect and 100% happy with yourself and your life! (6:54)

    • What you do need to explore about how your emotional patterns are covertly running the show when it comes to your love life. (7:38)

    • What pheromone molecules are and what you need to know (and can control) about the signals they send. (9:34)

    • How Julie, despite navigating a challenging ex-husband and a troubled teen, shifted her emotional state, grew more confident in her ability to navigate the complexities of life, and happily attracted new romantic love. (16:29)

    • How early in my marriage I (Melanie) grew the love, laughter and connection between me and my husband by releasing an old emotional pattern I’d unwittingly picked up from my mother. (19:37)

    • How Janice shifted her own feelings of inadequacies and unworthiness to level up her love life. (24:11)

    • How I listened to my repeated pings of intuition and finally introduced my divorced brother to a new friend—and they became “joined at the hip.” (27:16)

    • My 4-step practice you can use to cultivate the emotional state that will bring you more of the kind of love that makes your heart sing. (30:15)

(36 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #21:

How to Clear Emotional Blocks to Money

(35 Minutes)

Are you really comfortable with having more money? The answer might surprise you. One of the biggest emotional blocks to attracting and having more money than you’re used to is that there’s actually discomfort there. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Our conditioning and emotional patterns around money are particularly strong and can trigger uncomfortable emotions like fear, shame, guilt, anxiety and others that block you from having the financial abundance and ease around money that you really want. 

That’s why, in this episode, we’re talking about the places a lot of people get emotionally uncomfortable around money. And I’ll show you how to shift those patterns and clear your money blocks to prime yourself for prosperity. 


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #21

    • Why your emotions matter WAY more than you think when it comes to attracting everything you desire in life – including money! (:50)

    • The familiar “soundtracks” of unsupportive emotional patterns around money (i.e., messages that may be playing in your mind and evoking uncomfortable emotions.) (3:31)

    • “Yuck” emotions around money A LOT of people have and how they work scientifically to block your prosperity. (4:15)

    • Three steps you can take (no matter how strong your conditioning is around money) to shift into more powerful emotions that will connect you with the financial abundance you want. (5:30)

    • How the sale of my business for the exact amount of money I wanted was manifested using these same three steps! (6:28)

    • The disempowering emotions that were blocking me from that outcome – until I cleared them. (7:17) 

    • Susan’s stubborn emotional pattern of resentment around having to work an extra job that was blocking her financial abundance and ease (and how she released it.) (12:31)

    • Carol’s shame and guilt around not being self-reliant around money and how she moved through that to create a business and revenue stream she’s proud of! (14:30)

    • How Judy’s strong judgment that her desire for more money was selfish and morally wrong almost stopped her from having the free flow of income she enjoys now – AND the volunteer position that fulfills her. (16:13)

    • Additional resources I offer that anyone can use to release emotional baggage around money, leverage emotional strengths, and attract financial abundance. (19:45)

(35 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #20:

Feeling Stressed? What If It's Something Else...

(35 Minutes)

Feeling stressed? Research shows that's actually OKAY ...it's feeling overwhelmed that's more detrimental to your wellbeing and the true thief of holiday (or anytime) joy.

In this episode we explore the difference between stress and overwhelm – and Melanie shares her SIMPLE 4-step practice to help you zap BOTH. So you don't end up feeling like a breaker box about to "flip your switch" -- and you get to experience more joy, wonder and awe at the holidays (or any time).


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #20

    • How to tell the difference between when you’re stressed and when you’re overwhelmed – the telltale signs of each. (:46)

    • Why stress is actually better for navigating the challenges of life – and the high cost of running on overwhelm. (3:45)

    • How your emotions are electromagnetic energy that’s as real as the electricity running through your house. (7:56)

    • Why “being current with your emotional current” will help you avoid feeling like a “breaker box” about to flip its switch! (11:39)

    • How we all have emotional patterns (based on our personality and our upbringing) that can hijack our peace and happiness – and how to interrupt them. (20:18)

    • The four simplest things you can do to grow your emotional capacity, diminish overwhelm and experience more joy and contentment at the holidays and beyond – even if stress levels run high. (29.55)

(35 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #19:

How to Feel Unshakably Calm When Outside Your Comfort Zone

(30 Minutes)

Never being in an uncomfortable situation in life is impossible, since life IS a constant ebb and flow of positive and negative or good and challenging things. The goal is not to expect your life to always be perfect but to grow your capacity to navigate its ebbs and flows with greater levels of calm, peace, joy and giving.

In this episode, we talk about four GOOD reasons to purposely mess up your happiness (wait wha?) so you can experience unshakable calm in times of discomfort. PLUS two ways Melanie intentionally trains her brain to immediately access wisdom, inspiration and ideas in the face of challenges – and you can, too!


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #19

    • Four GOOD reasons you should mess up your
      own happiness! (1:07)

    •        Gaining freedom from chasing unattainable

    •        Finding out you don't need an "escape
             button" for challenges in your life

    •        Gaining access to calm, intuitive insight
             before a challenge occurs

    •       Making your core comfort and contentment
            with your life unshakable even when
            outside your comfort zone

    • What the Buddhists say about life being a
      continual ebb and flow of positives, negatives,
      good things and challenging things. (8:54)

    • How Newtonian and Quantum physics support
      this concept. (9:13)

    • What Melanie does every day (it only takes a
      few minutes!) to grow her capacity to weather
      life’s ebbs and flows. (12:38)

    • The physical and emotional cost to you of NOT
      doing this every day. (HINT: It has to do with
      your brain’s amygdala and a lion chase.)  (14:01)

    • Why Melanie intentionally messes up her own
      happiness (a little) to grow her capacity to
      handle challenges (ALOT) -- and you should
      too! (26:46)

(30 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #18:

Humility – Your Most Underrated Superpower in a World of Ego 

(33 Minutes)

I’m sharing three real-life examples of how having humility made my life measurably better (one is really hard to talk about!) Plus, four simple ways you can cultivate humility and use it to know, accept, love and have compassion for yourself and others. (Now that’s an emotional superpower!)

I also talk about how our culture misunderstands humility as having a low opinion of yourself, low self-esteem or a lack of confidence when it’s actually a remarkable character strength that helps you see and feel your worth. When practiced, it allows for more happiness, better relationships, and greater life satisfaction. 


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #18

    • How humility is NOT about downplaying yourself to make others higher than you – and what it is instead. (4:05)

    • The absolute MAGIC that happens when you’re in touch with BOTH the strengths you have to offer the world and the things you do that drive everyone (yourself included) a little bit crazy. (4:27)

    • Why humbling yourself is surprisingly self-empowering – and helps you attract what you want! (4:53)

    • How practicing humility affects you physically – including the surprising ways it impacts your health. (6:27)

    • A hard-to-talk-about, real-life example of how practicing humility helped me to stop FUTURE TRIPPING and better navigate my son’s struggle to free himself of addiction. (13:18)

    • A situation at work where humility helped me appreciate (vs. resist) my teammates’ strength of digging WAY into the details – while simultaneously using my strength to get us unstuck! (18:55)

    • How practicing humility allows me to fully enjoy my home AND my messy housemates – while making sure everyone’s needs are met (including my own!) (23:19)

    • Four simple ways you can cultivate humility inside you – and use it as an emotional superpower to bring you more joy, meaning, contentment, reciprocity and connection. (27:43)

(33 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #17:

How to Forgive the Unforgivable...and Should You?

(34 Minutes)

Going through life with other humans means sometimes experiencing hurt, betrayal, injury and loss. When that happens, we suffer. That's why we're talking about forgiveness -- not the inauthentic, toxic kind where you feel pressure to smile through your outrage or heartache.

We talk about what forgiveness IS and is NOT -- and I share my 3-step forgiveness process that doesn't focus on the other or bypass your feelings -- and that you can use (on repeat) to genuinely set yourself free.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #17

    • Why we forgive -- the desire that's underneath it. (:56)

    • Real-life examples of hurt and betrayal that beg the question of whether to forgive (or not). (1:48)  

    • What Stanford University researcher and forgiveness expert, Dr. Fred Luskin, says about our human tendency to get stuck focusing on the enemy -- and what the payoff/cost to us is. (6:04)

    • What forgiveness IS -- and what it has to do with loving yourself and living authentically from the inside out. (6:28)

    • What forgiveness is NOT. (6:44)

    • What NY Times bestselling author and therapist, Nedra Tawwab, calls toxic forgiveness -- and why you want to avoid that at all costs. (8:28)

    • What happens inside (and outside) your body when you are stuck in a state of unforgiveness. (10:10)

    • Melanie's 3-step process for forgiveness that frees you, (13:27) including:

    • A tip to help you feel your feelings without letting them overwhelm you. (16:38)

    • What knowing your values has to do with forgiving someone else. (19:25)

    • How this practice will free you from your suffering and empower you to create the life you really want! (31:43)

(34 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #16:

Sharpening Your Manifesting Metal

(30 Minutes)

We’re busting open a commonly held misconception – if you’re really good at manifesting what you DO want in your life, you won’t have to experience anything you DON’T want. (Spoiler: You will.) 

We talk about WHY we can be excellent at manifesting and still not be able to control our whole life experience AND how to use life’s inevitable challenges to sharpen your manifesting skills so you can play bigger – not smaller – with your dreams.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #16

    • How manifesting works differently during times of calm and ease vs. times of challenge. (6:00)

    • How to reliably get the intuitive boost that something is a great match for you. (9:10)

    • Everyday practices to hone your manifesting skills, including an easy way to recognize your intuitive guidance.  (11:57)

    • How fear changes everything – but you can still access your intuitive guidance even when you don’t feel calm. (15:43)

    • My recent challenge – one that made me intensely afraid for the safety of my son. (18:54)

    • What extra measures I had to take to calm down when it felt like I couldn’t breathe. (21:44)

    • What my intuitive guidance said to me during this time and why I did NOT want to listen to it. (22:28)

    • How I got out of “fear-land” and used my skills to make wise decisions in the midst of challenge – and how you can, too. (22:56)

    • The simple steps I used to access my intuitive guidance during another difficult time when I lost my beloved brother to ALS. (You can use the same steps, too.) (26:03)

(30 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #15:

Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail & How to Make Yours Happen!

(29 Minutes)

We explore the #1 reason we often can’t sustain our focus long enough to make our New Year’s resolutions a reality. What research says we need in order to maintain our focus on something we want. And the science-backed way to supercharge the focus you put on your goals and intentions so that they really happen.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #15

    • A common resolution that many of us make (and break) – and why it happens. (2:34)

    • The sneaky, underlying thoughts, feelings and emotions you need to watch out for because they will sabotage any vision you hold for yourself. (3:08)

    • The science behind how those emotions are powerful enough to successfully block you from getting what you want. (4:00)

    • How the wave patterns of powerful emotions work scientifically to connect you with what you want. (5:05)

    • The kind of internal dialogue most of us have that disrupts our best intentions. (9:26)

    • The powerful, positive emotions you need to watch out for because they will tell you if you’ve landed on a vision that you can actually make come true. (10:02)

    • How to reshape a weak intention that will be hard for you to realize into a strong one. (11:17)

    • What happens when we marry a strong intention with a weak feeling about HOW it will happen – and what to do instead. (11:43)

    • How to tap into the power of your emotions to make other things you want happen – like a change at work or a better relationship. (18:23)

(29 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #14:

Transforming Doubt into Calm Clear Knowing

(33 Minutes)

We talk about when doubt makes it difficult to trust yourself and your inner guidance. And, I show you how to transform that doubt into deep trust in yourself and your ability to know what’s right for you. 

We explore how your intuitive guidance is more like a GPS system than a crystal ball, what the scientifically real energy of your intuitive guidance is – and how it works, the best way to access your intuitive guidance and what to expect when you’re using your intuitive guidance to transform your doubt into trust. Plus, I give you a tip from the Dalai Lama that you can use as a default strategy any time you’re unclear.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #14

    • How the energy of your emotions works scientifically to attract (or repel) things, people and opportunities in your life. (2:57)

    • How you can use your intuitive guidance to gain confidence and clarity about decisions you’re making. (7:11)

    • How to get into the emotional space within you that produces calm, smooth, even waves of energy so you can connect with your inner guidance with more certainty. (8:34)

    • My favorite way to connect to her intuitive guidance (you can use it, too!) (8:50)

    • How to “set” your intuitive guidance to get you where you want to go, just like you would set your GPS – and what to do to make it “recalibrate” if you take a wrong turn. (13:19)

    • An example of how you can confidently make your intuitive guidance work to bring you what you want – even when your desire involves other people with their own emotions and desires. (14:40)

    • Another example of how to use your intuitive guidance when figuring out a big move in your life. (18:02)

    • One more example of how to use your intuitive guidance with confidence – even when you have to make multiple, complex decisions at once. (24:46)

    • A favorite piece of advice from the Dalai Lama that you can use as your default strategy to feel clearer in moments of uncertainty. (29:01)

(33 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #13:

The Science of Channeling with Dr. Helané Wahbeh

(37 Minutes)

I sat down with Dr. Helané Wahbeh, director of research at Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) and author of the Nautilus award-winning book The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All to talk about what channeling is, how it is different than (and related to) paying attention to your intuition, and how developing your innate skill of inner knowing will bring you more happiness, ease and confidence.

We also talked about how Helané’s book busts the myth that tapping your intuition is a rare gift for mystics only – plus, the IONS study that revealed how common it is for all people – even engineers! – to experience inner ways of knowing.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #13

    • What channeling is – and all the forms it can take from gut hunches or intuitive hits, to trance channeling, mediumship, precognition, knowing the future and getting mental impressions from other people. (2:58)

    • How channeling helps us receive information from the energy field we all participate in (whether we know it or not). (4:55)

    • What a recent IONS study revealed about 12 different ways people tap their inner knowing – including one you can do in your sleep! (6:55)

    • Helané’s “signature” way of receiving intuitive messages – and why it might make her reach for a sweater. (8:02)

    • Melanie’s “signature” way of receiving intuitive messages – it’s better than a strong cup of coffee! (10:16)

    • Common ways people receive intuitive messages that you might relate to – and one way our intuition RARELY comes across. (10:30)

    • What science says about the connection between meditation and being able to access your intuition. (11:45)

    • What happens when your ego mind (or personality) doesn’t want to do the thing you get an intuitive hit on! (13:01)

    • How to tell the difference between an intuitive hit from your inner wisdom and a reaction from your past conditioning. (14:30)

    • How developing your ability to tap your intuition will support you in your everyday life. (15:30)

    • What NOT to tap your intuitive guidance for when you’re first starting out. (16:45)

    • What it’s supposed to FEEL like when your intuition is guiding you. (18:08)

    • What to do when you feel confidently guided by your intuition and then something or someone throws you off course (and why that happens to all of us.) (20:08)

    • How to combine your incredible intellect WITH your intuitive guidance to discern what’s really best for you. (21:21)

    • How to make your intuitive guidance show up more reliably and definitively for you. (22:19)

    • How to calmly and easily grow the skill without being hard on yourself. (29:49)

(37 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #12:

5 Ways to Manifest Something Big & Know It’s Coming with David McArthur

(45 Minutes)

I sat down with HeartMath expert and author of The Intelligent Heart and Your Spiritual Heart, David McArthur, to explore how to get into a powerful heart space and access your deep intelligence to find the answers and solutions you need. 


We also covered how the intelligence of the heart gives you the clarity and coherence you need to manifest what you want most – and specific signs to notice when something big is on its way!


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #12

    • What it means to be in “coherence” and how it helps us get in sync with what we want in life. (1:35)

    • The role your feelings play in creating (or blocking) you from being in coherence or able to sync up with what you most want. (5:43)

    • How to shift out of feelings generated by your brain and activate your heart feelings – and why that’s important. (6:20)

    • The science-backed reason we don’t look deep into someone’s eyes and say, “I love you with all my head.” (6:42)

    • How my daughter’s piles of disorganized stuff forced me to move from my head to my heart to get what I really wanted – and you can, too! (13:06)

    • The surprising reveal that your heart is 40 to 60 percent more powerful than your brain – especially when it comes to manifesting! (21:23)

    • Why accessing your heart intelligence will make you a much better manifester. (22:25)

    • How being in alignment with your values will help you manifest better things. (24:44)

    • David’s story of racing through a forest only to miss his kids’ school bus (again!) – and how he short-circuited his brain’s blame game to get what he really wanted. (26:00)

    • 5 techniques everyone can use to get into a heart space that will help you attract what you desire. (30:27)

    • Exactly what it feels like when you know what you want to manifest, why you want to manifest it, and when something big is on its way. (36:10)

(45 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #11:

The Pitfalls of Positive Thinking with Dr. Dawson Church

(33 Minutes)

We'll address the common mistake you might be making of willing yourself to think positively in a negative situation, why that isn’t enough to create the shift you want, and what to do instead. And you’ll hear from best-selling author and researcher, Dr. Dawson Church, about powerful science-based techniques you can use to reshape your brain to stay calmer, happier and more resilient in any situation – so you can attract the people and opportunities you want.

Dawson shares how he used these same techniques to find new levels of bliss and resilience even after he narrowly escaped a raging wildfire that consumed his home and all his belongings, while tragically killing 8 of his close neighbors. And you can do the same in the face of any challenge life throws at you.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #11

    • The unexpected sights and sounds of Dawson’s harrowing escape from the fire that burned his house and belongings to the ground. (3:45)

    • The techniques Dawson used to avoid PTSD and experience bliss even after he lost everything – and how you can use them too. (5:25)

    • How Esther Hicks describes positive thinking as putting a sticker over your empty gas tank gauge – and why that isn’t enough to shift your circumstances. (7:12)

    • Why most of us are unknowingly operating from our fear-based “caveman brain” – and how to engage the circuits of the enlightenment network of your brain to experience resilience and bliss instead. (8:20)

    • Why you’re not crazy if you think your brain often defaults to negativity, fear and worry (the human brain does!) – and simple ways to consciously dial down your natural negativity bias. (9:10)

    • How to resonate with more love, kindness, compassion, peace and joy so we attract more of it in our own lives AND spread it to others. (14:40)

    • The principle of emotional contagion and how it relates to Dawson’s story of an “angry wine guy.” (19:10)

    • A life hack to make yourself, your neighbors (and their neighbors) happier – even if you don’t know them. (20:34) 

    • The #1 mistake people make using positive thinking - and to do instead that really works! (22:54)

    • Why Dawson’s friend Jack Canfield is a master manifestor yet others who use the same techniques he does aren’t – and what you can learn from Jack. (25:17)

    • Why Dawson and I take a moment to consider whether a monk who lives in a constant state of bliss has ever had a pay raise – and how you, too, can experience genuine peace and happiness regardless of your reality. (28:30)

(33 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #10:

If Something Bad Happens, Did I Cause It?

(22 Minutes)

I answer your burning questions about what you DO and DON’T have control over when it comes to working your emotional power.


We explore what you CAN do to influence your ultimate outcome even when things happen that aren’t entirely within your control – from getting fired at work to natural disasters, and from health challenges to family drama. If you’ve ever wondered where your power to create your reality exists and where it ends, this episode is for you! 


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #10

    • Why these are such valid questions for people who are discovering how to work their personal power. (1:58)

    • The answer you already know to the often-asked question, “Do I cause the bad things that happen to me?” (2:20)

    • How the real energy waves of your emotions do communicate inside your body – and outside your body – to influence how things unfold for you. (3:18)

    • New clarity around how your energy works in common situations that seem outside of our control (but maybe aren’t) like:

    • How to influence what happens next when you’ve been fired or let go from a job. (7:54)

    • How to influence your ultimate outcome when your home gets damaged. (9:19)

    • How to influence your future after a family member creates drama at your family gathering. (10:52)  

    • How to influence your safety when you get hit by a distracted driver. (13:09)

    • How to influence your health and wellbeing when you get a challenging diagnosis. (14:42)

    • How to influence your relationship with a friend you’ve argued with. (16:27)

    • Why tapping your emotional power is THE key to receiving greater help, guidance and resources in life, creating more harmony and connection in your relationships and experiencing a whole lot more joy. (19:59)

(21 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #9:

Karma - Why It's Real and How You Can Control It!

(21 Minutes)

We explore why Karma is a real thing – what we put out there comes back to us – and how you can control (and even correct) yours using the power of your emotions. I’ll share the science that refutes the widely held belief that Karma works like a boomerang to automatically deliver back to you what you put out there. And I’ll show you how to use it more like a cell phone to call in opportunities you desire.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #9

    • Why it’s not scientifically true that Karma works like a boomerang that you have no control over (e.g., once you send something out there, it automatically comes back.) (1:05)

    • How you can interrupt your Karma and deliberately create more of the emotional energy you want back. (1:46)

    • A situation we can all relate to – where it’s super easy to react in a way that creates bad Karma – and what to do to create good Karma instead. (2:44)

    • How sending out emotions into the energy field we’re all participating in is kind of like kicking a soccer ball into a net – and what you can learn from that. (6:32)

    • How you can use your emotional energy like a cell phone to call in opportunities you DO or DON’T want. (It’s your choice!) (8:42)

    • How someone who attended my workshop corrected her karmic past (full of angry arguing with her family) and created a bright new karmic future for herself. And you can too! (14:14)

(21 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #8:

How to Turn Challenges into Powerful Clarity

(21 Minutes)

We explore how to turn any challenge (external or internal) into powerful clarity and how (scientifically) that clarity brings you what you want in life. We also explore how to calm yourself in the face of any challenge and become clear and purposeful about what to do next.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #8

    • Why fearing challenges just creates more challenges -- and how to shift easily out of fear into empowerment.. (:56)

    • The simple steps I take to use challenges as an opportunity to know myself better, be clearer on what I want for my life, and be in tune with my wise inner guidance -- and how you can too. (1:02)

    • My #1 go-to strategy for dealing with any challenge (external or internal!) (2:22)

    • How the latest science proves these steps work! (It’ll make you think twice before you have an emotional response to your next challenge.) (3:08)

    • Three things you can focus on to release the negative thoughts and emotions that often come up around a challenge and settle into what you do want instead.. (5:34)

    • Two real-life examples you can follow to overcome big challenges and use them to your benefit (9:45)

(21 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #7:

How to Zap Negative Beliefs and Unblock Your Inner Knowing with Wendy Craig-Purcell

(28 Minutes)

I'll share 3 simple steps for identifying and releasing the negative beliefs you may not even know are underneath the feelings of disappointment or frustration you experience when something doesn’t work out the way you wanted. And I’ll show you how to use the scientifically real laser power of your emotions to zap those negative beliefs and use your inner knowing to attract what you do want instead. 

You’ll also hear from my guest, spiritual leader and author of Ask Yourself This: Questions to Open the Heart, Expand the Mind and Awaken the Soul, Wendy Craig-Purcell, about simple strategies for getting in touch with your inner knowing. 


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #7

    • How underlying negative beliefs we may not even know we have keep us stuck attracting more of what we don’t want. (:46)

    • Why the laser power of your emotions is scientifically real – and strong enough to zap those negative beliefs and attract what you want instead! (2:32)

    • My simple 3-step practice to 1) recognize those negative beliefs 2) clear them out of your way and 3) tap your inner knowing to get in sync with what you want instead. (5:58)

    • How a friend of mine uncovered and zapped a common negative belief she held -- “Life is supposed to be hard!” -- and then tapped her inner knowing to get a new job that brought her ease and happiness. (6:40)

    • How I zapped a negative belief I didn’t realize I held -- “It’s selfish to want good things for myself!” -- and then tapped my inner knowing to bring more joy and abundance to my life than I ever thought possible. (12:58)

    • What my guest, spiritual leader and author of Ask Yourself This: Questions to Open the Heart, Expand the Mind and Awaken the Soul, Wendy Craig-Purcell, says it feels like when your wise inner knowing is speaking to you. (18:36)

    • The best way to know for sure if it really is your wise inner knowing or something else. (19:31)

    • Simple strategies from Wendy to calm your mind and get in close touch with your inner knowing -- including one practice that’s completely portable! (21:16)

(28 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #6:

How to Complain Without Flushing Your Power Down the Drain with Colin Hiles

(28 Minutes)

We explore why HOW you complain and how MUCH you complain directly affects how powerful you are in your life (and how things in your life go!) And I share scientifically proven ways to train your brain so you complain LESS frequently and MORE productively and powerfully!

You’ll also hear from my guest expert Colin Hiles (a.k.a. The Mindset Guy) that not all complaining is equally good or bad. He’ll tell you the best way to complain so you don’t unknowingly flush your power down the “complain drain.” 


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #6

    • Why complaining zaps your power without you even realizing it! (1:37)

    • The feelings that get activated inside of you when you complain (and their big downside). (2:49)

    • The more powerful feelings that get activated inside of you when you notice something you don't like and decide to change or accept it WITHOUT complaining. (3:49)

    • The feisty email I recently received from a family member that gave me plenty to complain about ... and how I handled it more powerfully instead. (5:32)

    • Why not all complaining is equally bad or good. (8:58)

    • The wrong way to complain -- when a complaint is counterproductive and energy-zapping. (10:11)

    • The right way to complain -- when it's acceptable (and even empowering)! (10:26)

    • The 4 BIG benefits of noticing whether we're complaining right or wrong. (Hint: you can't be as happy if you're doing it the wrong way!) (12:01)

    • What Stanford University research found about how complaining actually damages our brains. (13:54)

    • A very simple, fun game to fire off good, happy chemicals in your brain and train yourself not to complain. (16:58)

(28 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #5:

Being Powerful Even When Emotions Conflict

(18 Minutes)

We acknowledge that our emotions won’t always come up one at a time. We can be grateful AND worried or happy AND stressed – and we explore how to get in touch with your intuitive guidance and be fully powerful even when you’re experiencing multiple layers of conflicting emotions in your life. (Especially then!)



  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #5

    •  How creating smooth, calm, even, powerful waves of emotion inside of you will allow you to create more of what you want in your life. (:52)

    •  A powerful reminder of how your intuitive guidance works to bring you everything you want in life. (1:35)

    • Two examples of real-life situations that create messy, conflicting emotions (Hint: you’ve probably experienced at least one of them!) (3:01)

    •  Scientifically, what’s really going on inside your body when you have multiple, messy emotions. (6:55)

    •  How to zero in on the emotions that are most powerful at getting you what you want. (9:16)

    •  How to notice other emotions or energy waves conflicting with the ones you want – and then calm those conflicting emotions down. (11:03)

    •  What it feels like to be in touch with your intuitive guidance – so you can know you’re doing it right! (16:44)

(18 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #4:

From Worry to Wellbeing

(36 Minutes)

We explore what to do when fear and worry about the future set in, how to shift out of those emotions -- which can wreak havoc on your health and your happiness -- by connecting with your inner guidance to find calm, confidence. And, I offer 4 steps anyone can use to move from worry to wellbeing.

Plus, my dear friend Valerie Mackey shares how she used the same 4 steps to positively influence the outcome of her surgery and health ... even her doctors were shocked!



  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #4

    •  The emotions underneath our worry that we are powerful enough to shift. (1:07)

    •  The inner guidance system we all have that we can use to positively influence our health and wellbeing. (1:35)

    •  Melanie's own health issue that gave her the opportunity to practice what she teaches. (2:38)

    •  How to get connected to that inner guidance system to shift out of worry and into calm confidence. (4:29)

    •  What it feels like to be connected to your inner guidance. (4:53)

    •  How chronic or excessive worry can cause illness and disease in the body. (6:32)

    •  4 simple steps everyone can use to move from worry and anxiety into health and happiness. (14:46)  

    •  Valerie's big health obstacle (and nervous doctor!) (22:37)

    •  The laminated receipt she still carries around (23:44)

    •  How she used Melanie's practice to calm herself AND her medical team (and you can too) (31:00)

(36 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #3:

Freeing Yourself from Blame’s Grip

(7 Minutes)

We explore one of the trickiest energy blocks (blame!) We talk about how getting caught in the blame game sabotages your happiness and personal power, the BIG LIE we tell ourselves that is the main reason we don’t let go of blame, and how shifting out of blame puts you more in touch with your inner guidance and helps you step more fully into your personal power. 


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #3

    How your emotional energy works when you are clear and purposeful to bring you the things in life that you really want. (:16)

    How blaming ourselves or others blocks our clear, purposeful energy and prevents good things from coming to us! (:41)

    The disempowering emotions underneath blame we direct toward ourselves. (1:25)

    The disempowering emotions underneath blame we direct toward others. (1:40) 

    Why your body doesn’t know the difference between you blaming yourself and blaming others. (1:58)

    The scientific reason blame feels heavy – because it really is 4x heavier than the clear, calm energy waves that will connect you with what you desire. (2:16)

    • How getting caught in the blame game sabotages your happiness and power. (3:08)

    The BIG LIE we all tell ourselves that is the main reason we don’t let blame go. (3:40) 

    How releasing others from blame makes them responsible for themselves and sets YOU free. (4:50)

    Why it’s easier to connect with your inner guidance once you’ve let go of blame. (5:56)

(7 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #2:
How Your Pheromones Are Affecting Your Relationships

(26 Minutes)

In this episode, we explore how powerful pheromones are, what they have to do with your emotions ... and how they work for (or against) you in growing good, positive relationships with other people -- whether you know it or not!


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #2

    • How you're sending out pheromones (without even knowing it) that communicate with other people and make them want (or not want) to be in a relationship with you. (2:11)

    • How to use pheromones to shift any negative emotions you have toward someone you'd like to have a better relationship with. (10:36)

    • Why being genuine with yourself is the first step to shifting the dynamic between you. (14:54)

    • An example of how this works in a work relationship that you want to be more harmonious and supportive than it is. (15:02)

    • How this works in a closer relationship -- like the one you have with your partner or spouse. (18:31)

    • How shifting your feelings doesn't mean ignoring them or pretending you don't have them -- it actually requires owning them! (20:11)

    • How owning your negative feelings is the way to create calmness, clarity and new ideas that you can trust to get you what you really want in your relationships. (22:33)

(26 Minutes)

Podcast Episode #1:
Are Disempowering “Shoulds” Shackling You?

(9 Minutes)

We explore how easy it is to get mired down in the emotional energy of feeling someone (maybe even ourselves!) or something should be a certain way. We cover how to recognize the shackles of should and release yourself from their often painful grip so you can set truly powerful intentions instead.


  • Melanie's favorite takeaways from Episode #1

    • Examples of “shoulds” lots of people have that you might be shackled with, too. (1:01)

    • How “should-based” thoughts make us feel and why those feelings are so disempowering. (2:46)

    • How you can easily and naturally shift your feelings away from old “should” patterns you don’t want to new eager, hopeful, visionary feelings that you do want (3:34)

    • How you can make the electrons inside your negative feelings break free and join the molecules of positive feelings that go with your vision of what you DO want. (4:41)

    • How to shift your emotions to coexist with a family member who has different viewpoints than your own. (5:57)

    • How to shift your emotions to stop kicking yourself for things you wish you were doing differently now or would have done differently in the past. (6:38)

    • How shifting your emotions allows you to focus on what you DO want and puts you powerfully on the path to making the vision you have for your life a reality. (7:40)

(9 Minutes)

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