The power that each of us have when we focus our attention and our intention is tremendous. When we focus on something, the electrical megahertz of energy increases in certain parts of our brains. We set into motion particles of energy that leave us and connect with similar particles, each responding to our desires. So, be careful what you focus on – be sure it is what you want – because you will activate energy particles to work on your behalf.
The old adage, “Be careful what you wish for – you may get it,” is true.
Every day, we focus on many people, events, demands, thoughts, and feelings. Most of us don’t know how powerful our focus can be, and we let it flit from here to there. Yesterday, I was in a hurry and didn’t take my normal quiet time to focus on my intentions for the day. Instead, I just plowed ahead, responding to many different people and things to hurriedly get done. At the end of the day, I didn’t feel like I had accomplished what was important to me –- the whole day seemed to vanish into a flurry of life activities. I didn’t make progress on things that mattered to me. I hadn’t focused my intention.
Did you know that your focused purposeful intention affects things outside of yourself – even computers?
Several experiments have shown that when a computer is programmed to randomly show two different images, say a cowboy or an Indian, people who were asked to focus on one image caused the computer to generate far more of that image than would be generated randomly.
[Jahn, RG et. al. (1997). Correlations of random binary sequences with related operator intention: a review of a 12 year program. Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol 11, pgs 345-67.
Radin, D. &Nelson, R. (1989). Evidence of consciousness related abnormalities in random physical systems. Foundations of Physics, vol 12, pgs 1499-1514.]
Making your focus powerful
The key to making your focus powerful is to be purposeful. Try these six steps when you start your day:
Now, please try these strategies and share your experience. How did it feel to have quiet time just for yourself? Did relaxing your body and mind help you? What was it like to pair the feeling of gratitude with the desire you envisioned for yourself? After trying this for a few days, has it made a difference for you?
© Melanie Dean, PhD